That's Healthy, Right?

Does the Celery Juice Craze Hold Water?

Adam Bornstein Episode 19

According to a recent informal poll of our followers, we discovered that 64% of respondents believe celery juice has a higher nutritional value than many other healthy options out there.

But, where does this belief come from? After all, we’re talking about celery. Not some exotic superfood that was just discovered. 

And yet, the celery juice explosion is very real and worth discussing because any food that gives you a nutritional advantage is worth adding to your diet — if it really backs up its claims.

There are many things about the human body that we still don’t understand, but a little sleuthing (and a good dose of science) can help us to see why the claims around this craze are a bust.

In this episode of That’s Healthy, Right?, we’ll look at the progenitor of the celery juice craze, his spurious health claims, and the real reason you’re seeing health benefits from drinking it.

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tl/dr: Does Celery Juice Really Work?

If you’ve been following That’s Healthy, Right?, you know that we take tremendous pride in our in-depth, unbiased research. But, when it came to researching celery juice, we came away frustrated. Why? Because there is almost no published research that supports any of the claims that suggest celery juices works for many of the proposed health benefits. Celery juice has many antioxidants and it’s not bad, but it's no different than drinking many other vegetable or fruit juices. And, in many ways, eating raw celery is likely to have more nutritional value than juicing the celery. Sadly, the celery juice diet is a big myth with no scientific backing. 


Experts Are Rolling Their Eyes At The Celery Juice Diet Craze — NY Post 

Celery Juice: Are the Benefits Real? — UC Davis Health 

Celery Juice Will Not Work Miracles, No Matter What You Read on Goop — The Washington Post 

Detoxing is a Hoax — Vice 

Your Juice Cleanse is Probably Doing More Harm Than Good — Vice 

A Forensic Analysis of the Benefits of Lemon Water — That’s Healthy, Right?

The Body Cleanse: Does Juicing Really Work? — Born Fitness